Boost Body Image with Exercise

Studies show that body image is improved with exercise, even if body shape or weight do not change. These studies also show that appearance-based exercise motivation weakened these relationships. But how do you make the shift from exercising to change your body to exercising for how it makes you feel instead? 

  1. Explore ways to move that you find fun.

  2. Take the fitness tracker off.

  3. Avoid mirrors.

  4. Wear comfortable clothing that fits your body right now.

  5. Get rid of the scale and the tape measure!

  6. Journal about how movement makes you feel (see all the possible benefits to look for below)

Benefits of exercise:

Improved mood

Boosts energy

Better body image

Promotes better sleep

Enhance sex life

Strengthen muscle and bones

Reduce risk of chronic disease

Improve skin health

Promote brain health

Reduce pain

Which ones are you most excited about?


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